Search Results for: family room

My Pantry and Some Organizational Tips

I interrupt the slew of holiday decor ,cookie recipes and ornament tutorials today, to bring you something that is just as important……once the season is over.  But don’t worry, Holiday frenzy will return to normal tomorrow. See, I am thinking ahead for you as January seems to be when we all create those lists that include organizing something in…

Customized Pillows for a fraction of the cost
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Customized Pillows for a fraction of the cost

If I counted up the amount of money that I spent from not being resourceful and doing it myself…..I would probably have enough money to feed the world…. and then some.Today I want to save you money and talk about customized pillows for a fraction of the cost. Customized Pillows for a fraction of the…

October Hightlights at Top This Top That

October Hightlights at Top This Top That

Welcome November…… All of us ‘ hot cocoa drinking snugglers’ have been waiting for you!  So tell me, did you survive Halloween without major sugar rushes and newly formed cavities? The thrill of candy seems to last just a day in our house, then it’s pretty much forgotten about….until mom eats the last snicker bar….