Tea Time Friday at Duke Manor

Morning! Thanks for coming by for Tea Time at Duke Manor! Did you have a good week….I hope so. We are currently preparing for some winter weather this afternoon, like most of the country, with some ice and snow. Ice is certainly no fun and typically what we experience more in Northeast Georgia ( last ice storm the power was out for 4 days),  but a couple of inches of snow would be so fun for the kids, especially since it would fall on the weekend. I will post some pictures on my Facebook  and Instagram feeds if it happens. I would love if you followed along.

tea time friday at duke manor

I think Tulips have now become my favorite BFF flower for winter. It’s like a blast of Spring, even with 20 degree temperatures outside. Typically, I can usually depend on my loyal Pink Camellias to provide my flower needs, but the recent cold temps got the best of any blooms on the bushes. I am actually starting to see the Daffodils peeking through the ground, largely in part to this crazy winter weather ( hot/cold).  Do you have a favorite winter bloom?tea time friday at duke manor farm

This is exactly the reason we moved to the country!  I took these pictures last weekend when we were outside working on the outdoor fire pit. If you missed it, you can catch up here.

Confession, I still have a boat load of Christmas decor laying on the Living Room floor waiting to be sorted, donated and put away.  Am I the only one?

Don’t forget I have a giveaway going on here. I would love to hear your thoughts on how you bound with your friends.

I have been planing some minor changes on the blog that I am really excited about. I am thinking about sprinkling in some areas that typically in the past have been my insecurities….cooking and fashion. I mean come on, what better way to get over it  then to put myself out there via the blog.  I also plan on incorporating a travel category and providing tips and recommendations on places that I have traveled to.   Speaking of which….


Guess who’s going to Europe in March? More to come.

Have an amazing weekend and don’t forget to be good to yourself!

duke manor farm



for warmth and shelter

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  1. Okay, so your kids were in shorts and barefooted in freezing weather!! They must be very tough.
    Say what….going to Europe. Fun fun!!!

  2. Oh I envy you and your trip…and looking forward to your future postings….I love them all….and I really think that you blog is truly one of lifestyle….your home, your farm, your cuties, your projects…like sitting down with you and having a cup of tea…like today!….the answer to your question?…..me too…the decorations are in the bonus room ready to be boxes and sorted…keep….donate…I truly donated lots of decorations before and during the holiday season…Have a great weekend….hope “Jonas” is kind to you!

  3. Those pictures of the kids reminded me of my childhood:) That was great! Anxious to hear about your trip too! My husband and I have been trying to plan one of the those Viking River Cruises, but we’d like to go during Christmas time so we can enjoy the markets during that time of year:) Have a great weekend, Laura:)

    1. hey Cindy. My twin and I are hitting Europe for 10 days in march to celebrate the big 50. Something I have always wanted to do, and feel incredibly blessed to be able to go. Just hope that hubby can hold the fort down and not send the kids to school in their jammies! 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend.

  4. The blog is looking great – so clean and fresh! The kids look like they are having a blast! So cute. Mine have already been outside playing in the snow. We are in the middle of blizzard here in NJ. Crazy weather. Up until now, we have only had about a dusting this winter and now this! Can’t wait to hear about your plans for Europe. I traveled to Europe a couple times in my 20’s with friends and was some of the best times I have ever had. Looking forward to the details!

  5. I’m looking forward to the blog changes—they sound great! And a trip to Europe, that’s definitely something to be excited about! We are going to Vancouver in April but Europe has always been on my bucket list. 🙁 I’m green with envy and I do not like that color!!!


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