Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm
Hello and Happy Summer….almost. Although with temps in the 90’s the last few days, I think summer has already shown up here in Northeast Georgia. Thanks for stopping by for another weekend hangout at Duke Manor Farm.

Black shirt dress / Stripe mini dress
Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm
Life Changes
Well, I have a graduate! What a month May was preparing for graduation and end of the school year for the kids. The graduation ceremony and all the events throughout the month were so special for the graduates. I tired my best not to do the ugly cry…but it may have happened. My mom flew in from Florida to be here with us and that made my son’s graduation that much sweeter.
Summer Vibes
I finally got a fishing license and trying to spend some time out on the water with my favorite angler son. My husband is the captain during fishing season (which is basically October – June), so it was time mama got in on the action. This guy was 4.5 pounds. Not too shabby for a newbie.

Vacation Plans
We are heading down to Cape San Blas area again this summer and I can hardly wait. The beach at St. Joseph Peninsula State Park is probably the prettiest beach that I have ever been on in the states. Another reason I love it….no people. I’ll have to share all about this hidden treasure.

Other Randomness
- Looking for something to watch – Your Honor (so good), Season 3 Bridgerton ( sweet but predictable ending to the season), Tour De France ( cycling is so intense but this series is amazing) and Lance ( sadly not a fan of the guy after watching)
- I would like to slap whoever introduced the Joro Spider to Georgia. If you live on the east coast better get ready. They are headed your way!
- We just installed a ‘smart’ watering system in the backyard. It will let me control all programming from my phone and has automatic rain delay built in.
- I recently picked up 2 super cute swim suits that I will be wearing this summer. Both suits are currently on sale.
2 piece stripe Anne Cole Navy with ruffled straps
Projects inside the house have basically come to a halt. Instead I have shifted focus outdoors and spending time with my kiddos. Which is exactly how I want to spend my summer.
What are your summer plans?
If you missed my previous Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor farm click here.