Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm
Welcome to the weekend hangout at Duke Manor Farm. I am dishing about the latest projects, latest binges, newest arrivals around the farm and just random stuff that I think you will enjoy.
Happy weekend! Time sure is flying as my last weekend hangout was introducing Spring and here we are getting ready for summer! Countdown to summer has begun in the house as the kids have two weeks left of school. We have had a wonderful school year, but I think they are all ready for a break.

The countdown also means we will have a graduate. If you have been through this already, you get my state of mind. A total mixed bag of emotions. For some reason I can’t mentally make the shift from pre-school graduation to the grown young man he is today.

Weekend Hangout….Life
My family gets to celebrate a trifecta within 2 week period. My birthday, anniversary and mothers day. Lily totally understood the assignment and made me a homemade chocolate ganache strawberry cake for my birthday. I think the bigger gift is seeing her joy as she shared it with the family.
The day was exactly as I had planned except for my outbreak of poison ivy. (This wasn’t the first time that I actually got poison ivy ON my birthday and I am always super careful, or so I thought) In addition to planting some lime-light hydrangeas’, I also got a new favorite pair of sneakers. This style is perfect for wide feet.
Around the Farm
Remember this newborn I shared in January? Look at lil Louie now…and those ears!

Albeit the baby kids are super cute, but they can be frustrating with their endless attempts at escaping through every nook and cranny in the pasture fencing. I personally look forward to the ‘toddler’ stage when they are big enough and can’t fit through the tiniest cracks. Luckily they never want to be away from mama too long and make their way back if we don’t find them first. Come to think of it goats are no different than our own kids.
Projects around Duke Manor Farm
Back deck
We have a deck off our kitchen that I have been making some changes to. It’s not always a favorite place to sit because it is so hot, but it has such a pretty view of the backyard. I recently bought a new rug and umbrella to go with the sectional that I bought earlier this year.

Sometime over the summer we (as in hubby) will be tackling deck replacement as some of the boards are bad. My new rug does a decent job of concealing the ugly for now. We will also replace the rails with something less obstructive. I am thinking horizontal cables.
Hubby’s office and Craft Room
Progress on this project has been creeping since most of my focus has been on outside projects. I did manage to get the entire space painted. The color is called Thunderous. I still need to figure out flooring ( carpet or a laminate) and purge some ‘stuff’ on the craft side.
I must say it will be nice to have this ’23 year old space, never been touched’ brought up to today’s standards. Although I don’t quite know what to do with the giant 9 foot bear!
Thanks for joining me for another weekend hangout at Duke Manor Farm. Happy Weekend to you all!

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