My Holiday Home Tours Through the Years
Looking for some inspiration for your holiday home this season? Take a trip down memory lane at Duke Manor Farm and visit my holiday homes through the years.

Todays the day…. picking out this years Christmas Tree. Each year the day after Thanksgiving we to go pick out the family tree …..followed by a trip to Waffle House. Although I can do without the smoothered, covered and chunked (you southerners know what I am talking about), the kids love it and the tradition we have created.

Usually I go into the holiday season with an idea in mind on my decorating scheme. Not this year. My kids lean more traditional (reds and greens) so I’m sure I’ll lean that direction, although I loved the year I did blush…. the kids not so much.

I thought it would be fun to share my previous holiday home tours with you. I hope you will enjoy visiting, just as much as I did creating my holiday home.
Holiday Home Tours

Enjoy the holiday season!