Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm #15
All the latest randomness in the weekend hangout at Duke Manor Farm including my project status of the media room, how I refresh my home after the holidays, and some of my latest finds.

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Office Makeover using Compass Blue from Behr
Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm
Happy Saturday! It’s been a rather uneventful week around Duke Manor Farm. I changed my day job schedule to Monday-Thursday so it gives me some time to get things around the house done. The kids are getting ready for their sports (fishing and track) to kick back up for the season, so available weekends will be limited.

We had quite a thunderstorm generating so much destruction this week due to tornados across the state. Luckily we had no damage in our area. Just as the rain stopped and the skies were clearing, we had the biggest rainbow over the house. My picture does not accurately depict how beautiful it was.

Project Progress in the Media Room
I am still in decision mode with our media room, specifically the flooring. Can’t decide if I want carpet or the same waterproof hardwood that we have in the rest of the downstairs area. I am putting together a design board for the space and will share that soon along with the demo of the room. This is as far as we got.

How I refresh my home after the holidays
Often times as soon as we put away all the holiday decor we look around and think the house looks bare…right? I do a couple of things to add some color and interest to my house during these winter months.

Pillows– swap out pillows and rugs from other rooms to give your space a new look. I do this all.the.time. I placed the dark wine-colored pillows that were in the Living room for the holidays in my family room. I love how they pair with all the blues hues in the room.
Plants– My favorite way to add interest and texture and color to any room in my house during these winter months. Right now you can find small houseplants at any garden center and even the grocery store. Not sure what to get? This post should help with some of my favorite indoor plants.
My latest buys and deals
Bought a couple of these beds for the dogs and you can’t beat the price. I love how they come in this dark navy color to coordinate with my house.

I finally jumped on the ‘Try before you buy’ wagon and ordered two cute sweaters. I already wore this super cute one and still waiting on this one to arrive. I guess I was in a stripe mood when I ordered them. 🙂
Well sweet friends, that’s all I got for this week. I sure hope you have a wonderful weekend, and a long one if you are lucky enough to have Monday off.

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So pretty!
Also, did you get a new dog?
It looks so much like mine- what breed is it?