Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm #14
All the latest randomness in the weekend hangout at Duke Manor Farm including my first project of the year, finished project, holiday recap and my latest buys.
The latest from Duke Manor Farm
Catch up on all the latest on the blog.
DIY Holiday Napkins – would work for any holiday or special event your are hosting
Office Makeover using Compass Blue from Behr
Weekend Hangout at Duke Manor Farm
Happy New Year and I might as well go ahead and wish you a Happy Easter as it will be here before you get done reading this post. Seriously, walked into a Kohls last weekend and there was no sign of Christmas…anywhere. Walked into a Family Dollar right after, and it was stuffed with Valentines Day goodies. Walked into Hobby Lobby, and it’s full on Spring and Easter. I propose that we take one full month for each holiday throughout the year and celebrate. What do you say?

I do hope you had a lovely holiday and that the New Year will exceed all your expectations. It was a nice and relaxing holiday here at Duke Manor Farm. Typically, unless we travel to see family, our Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations are quiet and calm, with just the five of us. This year my twin sister, my bro in law, niece and her fur children celebrated Christmas with us. They were here for a couple of nights. It was so lovely and I was so sad when they left.
Last project of 2022
I did manage to get my office all painted before company showed up. I am still working on the trim, styling the bookcase and giving my credenza a new look. So far.. so good.. I like. I’ll be sharing a full makeover of my office space sometime this month. I am still thinking about painting the ceiling as well. What do you think…go for it? See my progress post here.

The first big project of 2023
The first big project of 2023 is giving our media room a makeover. As with all my projects, this one will be on a budget…I got kids to put through college in a few years. Throughout the month, I’ll be sharing my inspiration and vision for the space and the progress along the way. Get ready, it’s gonna be a fun makeover.

My latest buys and deals
Luckily Lily is sharing this sweater with me that she got for Christmas. It’s like wearing a cozy blanket while looking cute at the same time.
I have a little upper lip so a friend recommended this lip gloss/plumping cream. I ordered it in a color called Dolly and lucky for me it’s currently 40% off. I did try a product called City Lips for the last couple of months…..not sure it did the trick, but it worked as a great lip gloss.
A few of my pictures are getting new frames including the one that fell off the mantel when I was decorating for Christmas. Opps. I love these metal gold aluminum picture frames.
I am the old fashion handwritten note card gal so I stocked up on these note cards.

Time to enjoy my morning hot tea and this beautiful sunrise.
Enjoy the day sweet friends.

I would turn that beautiful sunrise into note cards ❤️.Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see the finished project.