Simple Tips to Care for Houseplants
It’s no secret, I love the sight of any fresh greenery around the house, particularly during the winter months. Instant mood booster, don’t you think?
Although I was blessed with a green thumb, caring for some houseplants may be easier then you think. I wanted to share a few simple tips to care for houseplants that will help keep your plants thriving in your home.
Don’t forget to check out my gardening section on the blog here for more tips and gardening projects.

Welcome to another edition of Cozy Living Saturday. I love joining my pals the first Saturday of each month, to bring you ideas and tips for creating a cozy living environment in and around your home. You can find all the links at the bottom of this post. You can see my Cozy Tips to embrace in 2022 here.

Simple Tips to Care for houseplants
- Understand your plant before you bring it home- where will you place it in your home, how much sun/shade does it need, how often does it need water, does it need to be fertilized. Doing this before you bring the plant home, will give you an idea of how much maintenance your plant will require.
- Move your plant into a container that it will have plenty of room to root and grow in. I always mix in a good all purpose potting soil as well.
- Follow a watering schedule. I choose a particularly day of the week so I will always remember when to water my houseplants.
- Know when it’s time to give your plant a cut and propagate for new plants. I do this all the time with my English Ivy and Pothos plant which are super easy to propagate. I have also had great luck propagating Aspargus ferns.
- Dead head flowers and remove spent leaves. Trimming your plants helps to encourage more blooms. I use my garden scissors instead of shears since these most houseplants are not difficult to trim or cut.
English Ivy Christmas Cactus Flaming Katy Squirrels- Foot
Here are a few of my favorite indoor houseplants that I have in my home. None of them require a lot of maintenance and are super easy to care for.
Birds Nest Fern Moon Valley Echeveria- Succulent Snake plant
A great resource for plant enthusiasts
Unless you totally neglect a plant, it is really difficult to kill, especially some of my favorites that I have shown you above. I use an app on my phone called ‘Picture This’. The app is used to identify plants, how to care for them, how to grow them (both indoors and outdoors), landscape ideas based on where you live and so much more. It’s a wonderful tool and I highly recommend it if you are a plant or garden enthusiast. If not, well that’s okay, they make such realistic faux’s these days…don’t they?

I hope some of my simple tips on how to care for houseplants will come in handy with your own houseplants around the house. If you want to start off caring for a super easy houseplant try making a succulent dish. If you kill the succulents, not sure we can be friends. 🙂
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a DM or leave in a comment below.
Ready for more Cozy Living Ideas
just click on the links below to be inspired
Houseplant Tips / Decorating with Lily of the Valley / Favorite Spring Paint Color
Antique Brass How-To / Spring and Easter Décor
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Great idea to propagate cuttings. I do that with Rosemary but me and houseplants just dont get along. We dont get any sun in MI during the winter months. I did somehow successfully overwinter a fern this year. I pretty much neglected it and watered it about 3 times all winter. Your plant selection is beautiful.
I love the ‘forget and go plants’ that always come back to us. Hope you are having a good weekend.
You’re a girl after my own heart! I’ve never heard of Flaming Katy – it’s so pretty. I love any kind of philodendron and have recently grown pretty fond of Sansaveria.
Her color is beautiful isn’t it. Hope you are having a great weekend!
What great tips! I LOVE using houseplants to make our home feel more inviting and warm.
Great tips! And, love the birds nest fern! I had one once, but ended up killing it – ugh!!!