A little foot surgery to remove a neuroma

A little foot surgery to remove a neuroma

I have been a bit absent from social media and the blog and for good reason…..this

A little foot surgery to remove a neuroma

Earlier this week I had surgery on my right foot to remove a neuroma ( which essentially is a bad nerve). I mentioned in this post what I thought the culprit was, although I will never know entirely. After a year of intense pain and trying a few different pain management solutions, surgery was the next step. The recovery time is a bit more extensive then I first thought. I can’t shower for a few days, can’t drive for a couple of weeks and need to hang low for a couple of days staying off the foot….which is very hard for me. The good news is, I will be pain free in a few months and I am getting all caught up on my favorite mindless TV shows. 

I’ll be back in a few days with a fun valentine idea and my favorite things for February. Until then….. you know where I will be.

PS. Click here for other valentine ideas, crafts and projects




supportive husband


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  1. I did same foot same problem. I was walking on it in 7 days driving also. They said three weeks. Judge it yourself. No more pain but numbness in my foot. I only feel numbness without a shoe. Good luck you’ll e up in no time.

  2. Sorry to hear you were so much pain. It must be hard to be able to get up and move around especially when you have kids.

    Hope you’re up and about in a few weeks. In the meantime try and binge watch as many of your favorite shows.


  3. You poor thing! Foot pain is the worst. You need your feet for everything. I had a foot surgery last May and there is a great new product you can find at surgical supply stores that will allow you to take a shower with no chance of getting the foot wet. It’s a thick, rubber tube that seals tightly to your leg (after you slip your foot into it) and keeps your foot or portion of your leg completely dry while you shower. It works great !!

    1. She probably cant shower for a few days due to the pain of putting her foot below her heart. It has nothing to do with getting it wet as that is an easy fix , but the pain will be bad so she has to stay elevated. I know you meant well.

  4. Hope you will be good as new soon. I had bunion removed years ago and was the best thing I did.

  5. I feel bad you are going through this and hope you get back on your feet soon. No pun intended! Use this as a good time to read, make lists, look at magazines you never have time for…sometimes it takes something like this to make us stop and pause. 🙂


  6. Laura, so sorry to hear about your foot problems. I know it will be hard for you to just remain still for awhile because you keep so busy. As an “old” nurse, I just want to stress the fact that you NEED to rest and allow time to heal! This is your time to take it easy and have your family wait on you! All the best! Take good care of yourself! Will keep you in my prayers!

  7. …I had foot surgery a couple of years ago, I hope that your results are better than mine.

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