Happy New Year from Duke Manor Farm
Happy New Year from Duke Manor Farm! I hope that you all enjoyed the holidays. I also hope that you found some time to rest, relax and most of all did something that made you really happy.
This was a shot from some family pictures that I had taken back in November. It was a belated birthday gift from the family (from April) to assemble for another family picture. The last one we had taken was 5 years ago so it was time. You can read about how I styled the family here . If you are looking for tips on how to make the picture taking process a success, I wrote about that here. If your kids and hubby are anything like mine…good luck with that.

We traveled to South Florida to be with my family for Christmas for a few days before heading back to Duke Manor Farm for New Years. If you follow me on Instagram you probably figured out that we were traveling south, as beaches and beautiful bougainvillea aren’t necessarily part of the North Georgia landscape.

I’m still enjoying one more day of holiday vacation before my kids go back to school. I’ll be back here on Wednesday after I get out of my jammies, to get you caught up on stuff going on around Duke Manor Farm.
I hope that 2017 is everything that you could want and more.
Enjoy the first week of 2017.
for fresh starts
What a great photo of your adorable family! Looks like you had a beautiful Holiday getaway, Happy New Year!
same to you debra. did you do anything exciting?