Fall Style Ideas for your closet
I must admit, folks around here are a tad bit giddy that the temperatures were in the 70’s yesterday and in the 50’s last night. But sadly, the giddy won’t last too long, it’s suppose to be back in the 80’s tomorrow. So while we wait for fall temps to really arrive, I wanted to share a few fall style ideas for your closet. So when the fall chill really does arrive, you are ready and looking good.

Fall Style Ideas for your closet
Boots are EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE,  particularly ankle boots. The reason they are so hugely popular is that you can wear them with anything. From jeans, to skirts to dresses, ankle boots will be a wonderful complement to your fall wardrobe. I got these black Nine West ones last winter and they are super comfortable. In fact, I wore them quite a bit in Europe last Spring. When my luggage was lost, they were the only shoes I had for days. I had no issue with comfort. I can’t find this pair any longer but I have included a very similar pair here for you.
Soon enough I will retire my flipflops and move into something a bit more stylish and warmer. My converse chucks are a good year round shoe to pair with jeans and even warm-ups. I prefer my darker colored converse in the fall and winter, but still  faithful to my white one’s.

During the cool fall season you can find me in some cozy sweat pans or a good ole pair of jeans. What I love about these jeans is that they look super fun and casual with my converse or I can turn up the casual and wear them with a great sweater and some boots for a night out. The Skinny jeans I am wearing in the first picture with my boots are from here are super comfortable and don’t stretch out. I have muscular thighs and the dark denim helps to create a more slimmer look.

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sharing at between naps on the porch
i think you and i have a bit of similar style mixed in… i LOVE that plaid tunic/dress. and love all your picks!
Look at you my stylish friend!
You are very cute and I loved this post! I dress up a bit more as I work part-time and we are out and about a good bit. But I would wear most everything you shared but I would add black ankle pants and some other pants into the mix. I love tunics and skinny pants. I do have some of the shooties/booties which is big for me because I normally don’t like boots – don”t like my tootsies covered. I don’t do tennis shoes other than when I exercise tho! LOL I also love scarves and fun necklaces. I’m a bit busty so I have to be careful with the puffer vests but last year I found a quilted one that is smaller little squares and not much “stuffing”. I bought two last year and have ordered another color for this year! Also got a new denim jacket. (You see we like some of the same things!). It is cooler here yesterday and today (TN),, but yes 80s next week. And that is okay with me. I do not like cold weather. Enjoyed the fashion post and hope you do another!
Great post. I love your style, and don’t be insecure about your pics – they are great!
Lookin’ good girl!!!! Happy Fall!
Love your casual fall style pics! Plaid and fall just go together!
You should be in more pictures! You always look great! I love your outfit choices too…such great classics for fall. I have a few similar pieces but I need to do some shopping! Enjoy your weekend!
thanks shelly. I say bring on the sweat pants…..I am ready.
Love everything…the ripped jeans are so cute!
I’m liking the chunk heeled booties, finally something that makes me look taller but I’m not keeling over in!!
Happy Fall, Laura!
thanks jane. i can only go so high with a heel before i look like a total klutz. happy fall to you !
Love this post and all your selections and you look so cute in all of them. That is one of the things I don’t like about living in Fl I love fall fashions. I do get to wear my jeans . denim jacket and my black and white plaid shirt except it’s cotton not flannel. Can’t wait to see your next selection.
thanks Nancy. i appreciate your sweet comment
Love your casual style, Laura! Some new chucks are definitely on my list! Your niece took some great pics of you!
oh thanks so much Jane. I intially got her set up with my ‘real’ camera but she was more comfortable with her iphone. I find that the phone these days takes just as good of a photo. hope you are having a great weekend.
Love all your fall pics and they look great on you. I was wondering where you bought your casual denim jeans with the holes, they look super comfy?
thanks Mary. I got those last year at the Gap outlet store. they are boyfriend distressed jean. Love them.
You look fabulous to me! The camera is your friend!
you are too sweet Pam. thank you!
I wondered why you were holding a pumpkin lol. You look fabulous and stylish my dear so don’t fret! By the way, I don’t think the links in this post are working,