Turning 50 and losing weight
The big 50 is next week and  I can’t wait: New adventures, a few new wrinkles to join the others and 50 more years to wake up and love on my family! The only thing that I am not really looking forward to is how much our metabolism changes as we reach this amazing milestone: more specifically, challenges in losing weight as we get older. So today, I want to talk about turning 50 and losing weight, and what works for me in achieving a healthy lifestyle. First and foremost… You are amazing. I don’t care if it’s 2 lbs or 20 lbs that you are trying to lose. You need to know that. The times I was most unsuccessful in creating a healthy lifestyle and reaching my goals, is when I didn’t feel good about myself and didn’t believe this. I have learned in the last few years that how I feel about myself, impacts EVERYTHING in my life. From how I parent, to how I communicate, to my relationships and how I care for my body. When I know and feel that I am amazing, my energy level goes up, the workouts increase and I make better food choices for myself. Agree?

Speaking of food choices… I am not really good at dieting… at all. The word diet is too much pressure.  I am better at selecting healthy food choices and eating in moderation. That’s not to say that I don’t eat foods that aren’t necessarily good for me. You know the ones I am talking about… like chocolate and cookies. I am a firm believer that you should not deprive yourself of those things, as long as it’s in moderation – which has not always been easy for me, and something that I have learned over the years. Growing up with a weight complex and body image issues that have stayed with me throughout most of my life is not something that I want to expose the kids to, so when it comes to meal time, generally, I will eat the same thing as the family, but just cut my portions in half.

We tend to eat balanced meals in the house so food choices don’t look much different when I am trying to lose a few pounds, so they don’t see that mom is eating something different and we don’t mention the word diet… ever. But there are those times that the balanced meals aren’t so balanced….. and this mama needs to lose a few pounds. If I stick to a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet,with some exercise I can recover quickly.

Besides, I have to keep up with these guys. I guess turning 50 and losing weight isn’t so bad after all.
Best of luck in your healthy lifestyle journey… you got this!
for turning 50!
Should have some good ideas, yes I would like to lose ac we pounds too. It’s never easy for me because I love sweets. Good Luck
Sorry. I guess I should have my glasses on and checked my wording. I mean you do have good ideas !
I have recently started walking! I’m very busy working around the house and my yard, but it isn’t enough lately! So I’ve started walking to try to tone up and adding more veggies to my plate and less bread!
I’ve never tried alli before but have heard about it. When I feel the need to get back on track I go back to my Whole30 eating, cut out that 2nd glass of wine, and ramp up my activity level. Plus water — lots and lots of water!!
xo Heidi
Walking…and cutting down on portion sizes…
Laura I’m totally serious when I say this…You don’t even look close to 50! So your doing something right!!!
Actually, today was my day to start to change my eating habits:) Somehow while living with my mother for the last 5 months (to take care of my grandmother), I gained 30 pounds! I have no idea how that happened!!! I know how to eat healthy, but consuming water is my issue. I drink so much coffee it’s unreal. Ten years ago I gave up pop, but then found myself consuming nothing but coffee. I also agree that you shouldn’t deprive your self of anything, but I can testify that when I cut sweets out of my life (95%) of the time, I feel better.
Some great tips there Laura! It’s funny…I had no problem keeping my weight down, cause I was always chasing three rugrats….in my younger years. Now…I look at food, and I gain weight. I try to limit my portions…and cut way back on sweets…but that is the hardest for me….cutting back on sweets! Good Luck! 😉
You are so right about losing weight after 50. My husband and I managed to lose about 20 pounds each this past year. It’s a lot of work but we sure feel better 🙂
Well Laura I know when you b-day is since your mother and I went to the hospital around the same time so happy birthday to you . Enjoy your day. Joan Tolis
Great post! I am in the same paddle boat ;), age and family. I loved your comment pertaining to how you feel about yourself affects how you deal with everything (parenting, relationships etc.). So true.
I have found my most success by adding weights to my workouts, varying my the area of concentration of my workouts and making vegetables a centerpiece of every meal, even breakfast.
Best wishes for a beautiful 50th year!
So true after 50 it’s harder to lose weight. At 71 I lost 30lbs counting carbs and sugar not giving them up just keeping the numbers low
And looking at labels.
I tweeted ::: https://twitter.com/susiequips/status/722075080545542144
The struggle is real! I’ve been cutting portions, trying to eat healthier, using WW online to track my consumption and plan to start going to the gym as soon as it finally opens! I also avoid the scale and only weigh myself monthly.
I am older than you, in fact have a daughter your age. I recommend Weight Watchers as I was a leader about 13 years ago. I am currently back on the wonderful program as I was on prednisone for several years and gained a lot of weight. It is a wonderful program and healthy at that. I rejoined February 4th and have lost 17.2 pounds. Losing it slowly is the best way and my doctor is very pleased with the program.
I recently ordered a Simply Fit Core Board from QVC. I can work in 10 min here and there as my day allows, and boy can I feel it in my hips and thighs! When I hop off, I feel like I was running on a treadmill.
The best tips that I can think of that will keep you happy and healthy is eat your veggies, drink tons of water, enjoy family, friends, pets and nature.
What a timely post, as I just visited my doctor today, where we had a very similar conversation! After 50, it sure is tougher to lose weight, but even with that, I wouldn’t want to be any other age! Thanks for the opportunity!
Managing stress is really important. My tip is to make time daily for prayer and/or meditation.
eat healthy and exercise every day
I have been a lifetime member of Weight Watchers for about 32 years. Any time over the years when I would put on a few pounds I would return to Weight Watchers. I have been back at Weight Watchers for 4 years and have been at my goal weight for 3 1/2 years. The reason I was able to keep it off was attending the meetings every week. As they say ” weight loss is a journey not a destination.” Loosing weight as anyone would tell you is difficult, but keeping it off is the real challenge. You have to have some plan in order to maintain your weight. After weight loss it becomes extremely difficult to stay motivated. I am honest with myself and if I didn’t attend the meetings every week and weigh in, I know that I wouldn’t keep it off. I am not affiliated with Weight Watchers in any way, I am simply a lifetime member at goal. Please have some plan as to how you are going to keep it off. O’h by the way, I am 67.
Honestly my best tip is to do everything in moderation. I never completely restrict myself from a certain food, but will eat a very small portion of indulgent foods occasionally. I also exercise first thing in the morning so I have no excuses.
tweet https://twitter.com/yarbr012/status/722218369663901697
It’s all in how much you consume and the energy you expend. Doesn’t matter what you eat.
These are all great tips!! I’m not sure what to add.. except to say that you should also take time to enjoy yourself and have fun too!! Don’t be so caught up in trying to do the right / healthy thing that it takes away from enjoying the moment 🙂 After all, what’s the use in being healthy if you don’t enjoy it! 🙂
Tweeted 🙂 – https://twitter.com/Enter_Now/status/722247967067885568
I exercise every day by walking, I eat a healthy diet and stay away from processed foods, and I do not eat late at night because it causes weight gain. You have shared great tips!
Delete the above tweet. Wrong one. here is the correct one. Sorry
My best tip is to only fill your home with healthy foods and drinks. Don’t tempt yourself with unhealthy junk food and sugary drinks. Make it a priority.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/PrettyHotPink6/status/722489666327474176
The tip to keep an exercise journal is helpful. I’ve found that I’m more motivated when I track my progress. Right now I’m working on eating more fruits and veggies per day.
Eating organic foods, staying away for high sugar and calorie foods
groogruxking40 @ gmail dot com
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/722591189661126657
My tip is to eat high carb foods and plenty of fruit.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Walking on treadmill 30min/day at least 5 days/week and increasing the amount of SOLUBLE fiber in the daily diet will greatly increase heart health benefits and ultimately will decrease weight if also paired with removing as much sugar as possible. I’m on a mission!
I got a beach bike for Christmas and he got one for valentines day…we try and ride everyday and seems to help us, you have a lot of great ideas…
My tip is to get outside every day either for a nature walk or even to play with my kids. I also keep lots of fresh fruits and veggies in my kitchen so I can eat a healthy diet.
Happy Birthday!!!!!! I’ve decided to eat more fruit everyday. We eat a lot of steamed and grilled veggies, but wasn’t eating fruit. Also, working in the garden everyday, better than being inside. Spring is Wonderful!!!!!!
I lost a substantial about of weight recently by cutting out wine, bread and sugar. I don’t miss the desserts at all, nor the bread products. I enjoy a glass of wine on the weekends or dinner out and have mantained the 50+ weight lose for two years. I feel so much better! Good luck, my dear!
Take daily walks.
Cutting back on carbs and going to the gym has helped my husband and I lose weight.
Good for you both!!
I recommend going to the grocery store often to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. I also recommend getting into a routine with working out.
Drinking a few glasses of water every day is an easy one, but I still need to work on it!
Im with you. Have to remind myself to drink water.
I will eat the whole amount of food that is on my plate. I am cutting down on my portion size.
Great tips! Daily exercise and eat light are my tips of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
here’s to great health!
I make time for fitness in my life. I stopped making that time for a while and my weight crept up. Since then, I eat a balanced diet but I also find time to exercise. For me, an hour at the gym, on a spin bike or just running is rejuvenating both physically AND mentally.
I’m trying my best to minimize junk food and fast food in favor of fruits, vegetables, salads and anything that seems at least a little bit healthier.
I maintain a pretty healthy lifestyle by lots of walking, fresh air, eating good, and keeping stress at a minimum.
Tweet- https://twitter.com/mitadav/status/726078951454588934
Long walks, yoga and healthy food.
I make sure I workout every other day!
I exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.
I drink lots of water, cut out fast food, and work out at least 4 times a week!
My best weight loss tip would be to focus on your food while eating. No distractions whatsoever! You’ll get so much more pleasure and truly be able to gauge how much you REALLY need to eat!
great tip. heres to staying healthy!!
Drink lots of water and watch what you eat. I keep a food journal, but I’m trying to loose weight right now and keeping track of calories.
Thanks so much.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/peg42/status/729011812621004800
Thanks again.
I love your tips. 🙂 My tips to stay healthy is keeping junk food out of the house. When you don’t see them, you won’t eat them. 😀 It works quite well
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
My tip is to cut back on the amount you eat and try and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Calorie counting is huge for me!
I eat a plant based diet, and drink plenty of water.
Thanks for the chance to win
I am tracking my steps and trying to get more!
I would recommend eating healthier foods and don’t over eat.
About all I can offer is to exercise, or at least stay active in some way. And eat less, of course!
I drink a lot of water and eat veggies!
For me running has changed my life, it not only clears my mind but keeps me in shape. I hit the 40s last year and am probably in the best shape of my life. I’ve found a balance in diet and exercise that has worked well for me. My wife and I also limit going out to eat, choosing healthier versions of home cooked meals. I also give into cravings, usually have a bit of chocolate after dinner…Dark chocolate truffles are my favorite!
I shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FireRunner2379/status/734513191829557249.
My apologies, I had to fix my tweet. Apparently I can’t read directions! https://twitter.com/FireRunner2379/status/734523632152662017
My best tip is if you don’t buy it you won’t eat it… so just keep it out of your house. Of course it’s always easier to preach than practice, lol.
Tweeted as well! https://twitter.com/kytah00/status/737914261876412416
I’ve been taking longer walks.
Exercising with a buddy keeps me motivated.
I eat healthy and drink lots of water especially if I am feeling hungry.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
tweeted https://twitter.com/cshell202/status/741863275734802432
cshell090869 at aol dot com
tweeted https://twitter.com/cshell202/status/741863275734802432
cshell090869 at aol dot com
My best tip is to eliminate junk food from your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise.
My fitbit helps me so much! I love to reach 10k steps per day, which keeps me active and healthy.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I say total balance. If you’re going to alter your eating, also add in exercise. It’s a total balance game or at least for me.
My goal is to swim 3 times a week. So far, so good. I drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep.
Thanks for the contest.
Yes those tips are helpful. My tip that has worked for me it to keep active, no matter what it is.
Tweet https://twitter.com/Lindiac/status/745417506970435586
I try to make healthy food choices and get some exercise every day.
sometimes i wish unhealthy food could just be healthy for a day, don’t you? thanks for stopping by
Yes! Like hot fudge sudaes!!
Eat what you love in moderation and get some exercise in every day.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/746356293930213376
Exercise, drink a lot of water and try to maintain a healthy diet.
I agree with your tip of not dieting or totally depriving yourself of not-so-healthy foods you love. I track my calorie intake using my fitbit app which really helps me make sure I keep those foods in moderation.
tweeted – https://twitter.com/dmarie824/status/747251280129646592
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Sorry please disregard my earlier tweet link. This is the correct one – https://twitter.com/dmarie824/status/747253083613310976
I get out and walk with my kids and play with them all the time. having fun and being active is the best way to get or stay in shape.
My best tip: try to eat as much non-packaged food as possible. And if you do, make sure the ingredient list has 5 items or less! Eat fresh!
These tips are amazing and I love to drink lots of water and stay away from sugar to help me loose weight!
I tweeted
I’ve needed to lose some weight for quite some time, but haven’t been able to manage more than a few pounds. Recently, though, I lost quite a lot of weight due to illness and haven’t been able to eat the way I did before. I don’t recommend it as a way to lose weight, but the end result has been that I now choose my food more carefully because I know my stomach just won’t take a large amount. Choosing quality over quantity is new for me but it’s a great solution even though it was forced on me.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/747737980836651009
Go for a walk every night after dinner.
i love all the ideals in this post
The #1 thing that I did in my life that has changed my health for the best was becoming a vegetarian over 16 years ago. I may still be fat, but my cholesterol and bp are amazing and so is my skin (by comparison to when I ate meat..not being cocky)! 😀
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/748212426437459968
Drinking more water and taking the kids for a walk around the neighborhood in my initiative to keep moving and drinking more water when walking
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tweet https://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/748241039413100544
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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pls delete duplicate post
I am exercising more, cutting back on sweets. This is really helping me. I enjoyed your tips.
I turn 50 next month and I KNOW what I SHOULD be doing: moderate exercise, more water, eating more fruits and veggies.
What I AM doing is sitting in the house taking care of my elderly father, cooking the same meat & potatoes meals he wants everyday and making myself a little crazy. He is pretty insistant he move back home soon, so I’ll be at his house once a day and can incorporate a walk at the nice park around the corner before heading home to get some exercise and de-stress.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/tinawoo21/status/748283836060991488
My best tip is to always drink a lot of water! And exercise a couple of times a week.
I sent out a tweet https://twitter.com/electricstar/status/748300870983421952
I try to drink more water and cut out most sugars.
my tip is to get the whole family on board – – its very hard to be the only one trying to lose weight
i posted a tweet here:
Portion control, drinking lots of water and staying active helps. #sweepstakesentry
tweet entry https://twitter.com/iamdadtastic/status/748386937938022400
Tweet entry https://twitter.com/Esham4life/status/748484210231508993
I’m just always on the go and I try to avoid eating fast food
#SweepstakesEntry- comment
I gave up smoking cigarettes last year and I also watch my intake of sugar & salt
The tips that you provide are very helpful. my tips and techniques that I have in achieving or maintaining a healthy lifestyle are to reduce stress and exercise more.
I publicly Tweeted this giveaway: https://twitter.com/versatileer/status/748614796317196288
My tip or trick is to walk whenever you can. Park your car far from the door, Take the stairs instead of the elevator. I even walk on my lunch hour.
My goal is to swim 3 times a week. So far, so good. I don’t need to lose any weight. I’m 67.
Thanks for the contest.