Patio Peek and other Randomness

Happy Day sweet friends. Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I am going all out with some totally random thoughts today, with a few updates and highlights of my so very exciting little life out here in the country….starting with a patio peek and other randomness from around Duke Manor Farm.

Remember that first project of the year that we started back in January, if not you can catch up here. Well during the last few months, the project started to grow arms and legs and one thing led to another and here it is end of April and I think I am ready to cross this project off the list. I have a bit more mulching to do and then I will get her all ready to share. I will say, that the detours we took with the project have exceeded my expectations.

Patio Peek and other Randomness

chairs/ side table/pillows/pillows

Speaking of…… how this for a little bon fire? This was the weekend’s entertainment. #onlyinthecountry.  Try roasting a marshmallow around this fire!   We actually did hot dogs of the first and they burned in 8 seconds. Marshmallows…3 seconds.

Patio Peek and other Randomness

I swear this bicycle that I have in the front of the property, has seen more color changes then I get in my own hair. I went with a light purple, but I think it needs more of a pop. I am going to paint it blue this week.

Patio Peek and other Randomness

I don’t know if I ever talked about this project that I started a few weeks ago, but I created a little eating area in my garden.  It’s a perfect little spot because it’s got the right amount of sun and shade. I have to get a bit more gravel and then it will be done but here’s a  peek just in case that it takes me longer then I want to finish. Story of my life.

Patio Peek and other Randomness

Is that your story too?

Have an amazing week!

what baby chicks really look like




for amazing friends


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Don’t forget to follow Duke Manor Farm on instagram and on facebook for daily updates and pictures from around our real life funny farm!

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  1. Oh yes…that’s my story too! I think everything that I touch turns into a major project! I start off with great intentions, but then the brain gets to imagining many other things that would make it even better…or I suddenly figure out what that “final” thing is that I needed to make the previous project finished…I’m with ya all the way! L-O-V-E your fire pit:D I think when you figure out which color you like the best for your awesome little bicycle, you should surround it with a bunch of beautiful flowers!!! I know…I know…you needed another project, right? Your welcome:D LOL!

    1. we love the outdoors and the temps this time of the year. In a few months it’s almost too hot to enjoy. Do me a favor. let me know if you get this reply. Not sure my comments are being received.

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