Weekly Musings
Truth is, I was probably boo hooing a bit more then I normally would have, cause my twins also turned 7 on Friday as well. They were super excited to finally have a birthday during the school year so I headed to the school during lunch to pass out Minion cupcakes and treat bags. Later that day,we had a family party at home and then hit a favorite local fun spot for bowling, arcade and miniature golf.

My mom flew in last week from Florida, to help celebrate with us and will be here for the week. The kids are just loving having their ‘mimi’ around…so am I.Â
Good thing my mom is a good sport and didn’t say anything about the half painted bedroom in the guest house. Sadly, I never got the changes completed before she got here. I am blaming it all on summer and enjoying every moment with my children. With an excuse like that, she doesn’t even care what it looks like.
It really happened. Despite the 47 or so sample colors that I tried on the house and some unnecessary amount of stress, the exterior painting has begun. I had the painters start on the guest house last week first, so I could be sure I liked the color before they painted the house….I love it. Sedate Gray by SW.
Isn’t this just the most amazing sky we saw driving home the other night? All’s I wanted to do, was drive around and take pictures of such a glorious sight.Â
In between getting the house back to ‘pre-summer’ condition and hanging with my mom, I will be getting back into a normal blogging schedule this week and have lots of fun things and projects to share with you. Don’t forget to follow me on instagram here or facebook here for daily happenings and updates on the house painting.Â
How was your weekend?
Hope you have an amazing week!
Time passes so quickly when they're young. Enjoy time with your mom.
I boo hooed overtime our kids went to school — including college. I never understood moms who said that they couldn't wait for their kids to leave the house. Every summer we would have so much fun. I was lucky to be a stay at home mom and I would imagine that made a difference. Glad you're enjoying time with your mom. They are a blessing and I really miss mine.
Enjoy your visit with your mom Laura…glad to hear that it was a fun birthday celebration. Love the new house color!!…and the boo-hooing with continue….I think the boo-hooing was even greater when we took our son to college….and then boo-hooed more when we returned home to a "empty nesters house"….
I'm taken aback each year at how early your kids go back to school! Love the color on the guest house — and super smart idea to paint that first to make sure you like the color!!1
Welcome back!
🙂 Linda
School already? Minnesota starts September 8th. Everyone is different. 😉
Can't wait to see more of the guest house finishings!
Love the new color! Anxious to see what color you'll chose for the guest bedroom. Have a great week!
Wow! Your kiddos go back to school early. Here is WA state – the first day of school is the day after Labor Day. I hope you have a splendid time with your mom. We always seem to remember that time is fleeting with our kids, but it's the same with our parents!
On another note – and maybe it's just user error (me), but each time I have visited your blog, your pages seem to load really slow. I just thought you might want to know. 🙂
I can't wait to see your finished guest room. I love what you do!
Happy Birthday to your twins! I remember when my boys got legos. that was one of their favorite toys! My youngest still has shelves full of them that he hasn't parted with yet. Glad that you settled on a color. It looks like a good one. I bet it feels strange now with such a quiet house. My son goes to open house today to pick up his schedule and meet his teachers. He goes back on Thursday.
Being a mother is full of bittersweet moments…
Michelle from simplysantabarbara.blogspot.com
I always felt the same way when my kids started school…especially when they were young and I could sense they were a little scared and timid to be starting a new grade with new classmates. I think it's so cool that you celebrated the rest of the day as a family…so fun! And I love that your mom made it-now you have some company with the kids gone all day and it's not such a big adjustment. Love the picture of both of you together. Love the paint color, I think it's going to look great on the house, too. Very light but not blah white!! 🙂
Jane x
So sweet…and you were right to take the summer off to spend the time with them! One of mine is looking at PhD programs thousands of miles away.
This is just the sweetest post, Laura! Make me miss those day so so much! Wow, what a sky!!! Miss you sweet friend!