Amazing clocks, office and pillows

Some amazing clocks, office and pillows today in the Duke Manor Farm Notables. I hope you are just as inspired as I am. The notables this week are all from real life pals that are so talented and skilled at what they do.

I love everything Bliss Ranch does including this amazing clock made from wood spools.

 amazing clocks, office and pillows
Linda’s office work space is so amazing. I imagine this is where she sat and wrote her first book. The book is now available to purchase. Exciting times for my pal.

amazing clocks, office and pillows

Who doesn’t love a gorgeous pillow that requires no sewing. Details here

amazing clocks, office and pillows

I must have serious clock envy this week. Look at the one Worthing Court made from a table top. By the way, I have been an hour off all week and still need to change some clocks in the house. How about you?

amazing clocks, office and pillows

Got any plans for your weekend.. I might just make a clock or two.
Whatever your plans are, I hope they are amazing!

for my health

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  1. I have never been more thankful that a person spelled clock right than when you typed you have serious clock envy. And thanks for making my clock a weekly wow! Trade you for a donkey or a kid?

  2. Those are some great features. This has been a stressful week with the new time change. This is my least favorite time change since I'm not a morning person. Hard to believe that one hour can make such a difference.

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