Laundry Room Mini Makeover
I don’t even know what part of doing laundry I like least, I think its the folding. For years it was a battle between ‘stuff’ that would just land on the counter that didn’t belong in the laundry room, and a load of towels. Towels eventually won when I told the family that if it didn’t belong in the basket, it didn’t belong in the room.
It also doesn’t help that this room is quite visible to passer byers as they enter through our side door through the breezway. I don’t know bout you, but I am not one to air my dirty laundry to my guests. Note to self. What was I thinking to put a french door up…now the room has to be clean!
I recently took the doors off the bottom cabinets to store the laundry baskets. Now the family can help with laundry duty as well with sorting and placing stuff in the correct basket, this also gives me a handle of what needs to get washed.
Not the best picture, but here’s the laundry room before my laundry room mini makeover changes. I also painted the walls a lighter color and the cabinets went from off white to white. Now the breezeway and this room have a similar vibe. You can also see the ‘stuff’ on the counter. That stacked basket, was used to hold and sort the laundry.
I bought the wire baskets on the counter and the hanging rack from Walmart. It’s such a great alternative when I need to hang stuff to dry. It can easily be folded in when not in use and has a little shelf on top for whatever.
I must go now…….I have laundry to do!

ps- this is the laundry room on a good, clean day…for a picture. Most days, sadly, it looks nothing like this. It was all for the laundry room mini makeover photo.
it looks so good! i wish i had a laundry room! i love the light fixture.
I don't think I have ever seen a cleaner, more beautiful, or more organized laundry room. It almost makes me want to do laundry. Notice the "almost". LOL
What a nice laundry room. Good size and I need that rack. Must find at Walmart.
If I had a pretty laundry room like I might actually like doing the laundry. Oh, who am I kidding! Laundry and I don't see eye-to-eye. Luckily Mike does it!
What a pretty update Laura!! I'm not a fan of laundry either…maybe because I'm doing multiple loads a day!!
Beautiful! I love your new look for the space.
Beautiful! I love your new look for the space.
Oh so very beautiful Laura….I think the folding is the part I hate most too…I love that drying rack!…Will have to check that one out….the room is so very bright and cheery….I am sure with your kiddos, you spend lots of time in that room…so stands to reason that it be beautiful…Happy Monday!
You did a beautiful job, Laura. Love it.
Laura, it looks fantastic! I will confess to loving laundry so it excites me to see a cute laundry room.
I love the laundry rack and you found it at WalMart? Must go find one soon.
I love doing laundry…one of the few jobs that has visible proof of a beginning and an end. We have 2 laundry rules: 1/ if clothes are not in basket, they do not get cleaned. I absolutely do not go hunting for work-to-do(ie addt'l laundry). 2/ we define "doing laundry" as wash, dry, put away. I think lots of folks get tripped up on the put-away step. Same as making supper- cook, eat, clean, put away. Your laundry room -lovely. Gail
Love it, Laura. What a pretty room to do laundry in-even if you hate it. lol
Just want you to know that ads are covering top quarter and bottom quarter of your page here. I get 1/2 page in the center that is readable. xo Diana
It looks amazing. Love that drying rack, perfect.
It's funny…even with the kids gone, we still have a lot of laundry. Maybe I need to get rid of some clothes? (Looks great!)
If I had a laundry like yours…I would definitely enjoy doing laundry! It's beautiful!
Love everything about it! Who knew a laundry room could be so beautiful!? Please share the paint color you chose – it's perfect.
I LOVE the updo the most-important-room-in-the-house-besides-the-bathroom received. And you have the best w&d around, I would know I just sent mine to live at my middle son's house and I miss them.
Love your room and the french door! I like the bottom area with the baskets. Good luck on the family helping with laundry! LOL… As my mother in-law put it once….laundry and house cleaning are thankless jobs. One that is always required and never thanked for! I would so love my laundry to be on the main floor. Our home was set up with it in the basement level. It's much harder to keep it up when you have to run the stairs. I do love fresh washed laundry but I don't like folding it! Enjoy your room- I think it looks wonderful!
I like that rack. Do the hanging clothes get in the way while you're doing the laundry, especially if it's extended? I always hang dry most of my clothes and use a folding rack on the floor and hanging rod. We're currently renovating our laundry room by taking out the wire shelf and putting white cabinets and sink. This rack would be great to replace the floor folding rack if the clothes will not hit our heads as we walk past it.
How pretty! I have to admit that I love to do laundry…no idea why. (Despise dusting though! LOL!) I love that you took the doors off of the cabinets. I am picking up one of those hanging racks the next time I'm in town. Perfect!
I actually don't mind doing laundry but I hate my laundry room! It's too small so it doesn't allow me the space to do it easily. If I had a laundry room on the same level as the bedrooms and didn't have to climb so many stairs, that would be better. I think you have a great laundry room! You even have a sink in yours. Wow! One day………………
Love this room. Could you tell me the wall color?
The power of paint! Your laundry room now looks brighter. I love your light fixture and that drying rack. I must do a run to Walmart. I don't mind doing laundry but I do put off ironing. For some reason, that seems like the real chore.
Your laundry room is lovely! I do love the French door and understand about the visibility of the room to passers-by. If it were mine, I'd be tempted to sew a simple curtain and shirr it onto top and bottom sash rods attached to the inside of the door. You can just close the door when you don't feel like having everything on display and your beautiful French door will still look great! Thanks for sharing!
It looks great Laura. So nice and bright. I have my laundry in the cold, dark basement so I envy your light.
Uh, I'd have no problems doing laundry in there! Love the mini makeover … so bright and inviting … makes me miss our mudroom in our last home. And, I "must" get one of those drying racks! Happy folding!
I love your little makeover! I started homeschooling my kids in the fourth and fifth grades and one of our first "lessons" was how to do laundry. It is a great life skill. Teach them now. You will not regret it. My sweet husband was going to do the laundry when I had surgery once and had no idea how to even turn on the machine. He came to my bedroom and asked me what is hot cold and cold cold! That was when I made the decision to teach my kids how to operate a washing machine!
I love your laundry room! Can you please tell me more about the “tray/stand” under your washer and dryer? I have been looking everywhere for something like that! Thanks!!
thanks jennifer. I purchased the pedestal when i bought the washer/dryer about 13 years ago at Home Depot.