Cottage Makeover on a Budget….The Plan
It’s time for the cottage on Dog House Lane to get some well needed attention. Since my mom will be occupying the space for a few months and it really hasn’t had any updates in a few years, I thought I would freshen the place up before she gets here. I am also challenging myself to do it with money out of my piggy bank, which is probably less then $200, if I count all those nickels and pennies. So here’s my cottage makeover on a budget….the plan.

My updates for now won’t be major, although down the road we will be installing new wood floors and updating the bathroom, which will require a bit more coin from the piggy bank. The biggest update will be with paint and updating the color scheme. Which is the best way to transform a space on a budget.
The first thing I am going to do is paint the entire space white. It only has light entering on two sides so I want to keep it bright. Since there isn’t a ton of stuff in the cottage, I will clear the space out and use the paint sprayer. I have already spent some of my budget when I purchased two side tables second hand for $20.00. I will be updating them with some paint. With me so far?
Most of the furniture that you see will stay. I will be making an ottoman from an coffee table that I picked up for like $5.00, a project that I have wanted to do for a while now. I will be using pillows in red, that I am no longer using in the house. I will be swapping out the rug for one that I have in the game room, that use to be in the family room. Since we are limited with wall space because of the knee walls, I will get creative with some shelving options and will build a corner desk for the living area.
I will also be painting the kitchen cabinets using some of the left over paint in gray from when we painted the cabinets in the house. Just painting the walls and cabinets will really transform this space. I brought the table up from my keeping room and have a few extra chairs that I will use. The rug will get swapped out for one that I once used in the living room. Still with me?
Currently the bedroom is a blank slate. I recently painted some old wicker furniture that I have had for many years and put it in here to use. The inspiration for the changes in the bedroom came when I walked into IKEA a few months ago and saw some bedding on a display. I immediately envisioned it for this space, so I purchased some duvet covers and euros. Isn’t it pretty? I would love to upholster;the headboard as well.
Well, I sure hope I didn’t lose you somewhere along Dog House lane with all of the updates. Since my guest won’t be arriving for a few months, luckily I don’t have to scramble to get this done and might even finish some of the other projects already started before I start this one. Ha, like that will really happen!
Update- to see the updated bathroom click here
Oh what a fabulous cottage. I can't wait to see all the updates.
What a blessing to have your Mom close by, I can't wait to see what you do in this wonderful space Laura!! Xo
How wonderful that you have a place for your mom. Can't wait to see it all finished. xo Laura
Your mom will love all the updates I'm sure! I love a good paint sprayer too. Looking forward to more of your progress.
It all sounds fabulous Laura! Can't wait to see!
Your guests will not want to leave after you work your magic!
I'm with 'ya for sure. Hope mamma is as excited about the updates as Auntie Bliss is.
How fun! Such a gorgeous blank slate to work with! Can't wait to see you work your magic …
🙂 Linda
What a welcoming place to have as a guest house. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you but, at least you do have a plan. Good luck.
I'm sure it will be a cozy, comfortable and welcoming home for your mom. Love the new bedding and the greys will make it more current. Looking toward to the finished project on $200.
Oh you didn't lose me at all! 😉 I can't wait to see it all done. It's going to be fabulous.
What an amazing place, I can't wait to see if all finished!!!
Ooooh, I can't wait to see how it turns out! You have great vision. 🙂
I love the look that you're going for in the little guest house. That will be fun to shop for too. You're lucky to have that extra space for guests.
Your guest house is going to be wonderful. What a sweet thing to do for your visiting mom!
I love it! The bedding is gorgeous.
Can't wait to see sounds like it will be a beautiful place to stay
Can't wait to see it! Sounds amazing 🙂