This is What All Us Fitness People Want For Christmas
I had about a gazillion of these cookies this weekend …… they were good, no regrets. So I will be hitting the workouts a bit harder this week. Since August, every morning during the week we drop off the kids at school and head to the track to do our thing.
It’s kinda like date morning. It’s the best of both worlds. I get to spend time with my husband talking about this and that and….. exercising those cookies off. And albeit it’s early in the morning with sleeppies still in my eyes and my hair a bit messy, I still want to look good. It is a date after all.
Only 431 laps to go!
What do you do if you happen to eat a gazillion cookies….not that you would.
What do you do if you happen to eat a gazillion cookies….not that you would.
I’m excited to be partnering with Macy’s this Christmas to share some of my favorite gift ideas
this season.

for mornings
PS- To see some of my fav things for Christmas for my ‘date’ click here.
I was compensated by Macy’s for this partnership…but all ideas and opinions of what we do on the track are completely my own.
Well I have a date with a bike for my spinning class this a m. I haven't eaten a lot of cookies but I feel sluggish. This season finds me sitting more at my computer and expansion can occur on that part of my anatomy that is glued to the chair. 🙁
I go to Crossfit in the mornings after I do drop off-have to get my seat on too!
My exercise is going up and down the stairs a bazillion times a day!….love your gift ideas!