Creating Vignettes 101 and my Fall Entry

Okay, full disclosure here about me giving you tips on how to create a Vignette.

I do not have a masters, PH.D or bachelors degree in Vignette Designs……. I am though, fully capable of creating beautiful spaces in my home that I love.

I don’t always ( well….. never) use the word Vignette in my vocabulary…. I tend to say grouping or display. Besides, it’s a word that most people in my small little country town just wouldn’t understand let alone be able to pronounce.

I don’t always follow formal design rules……I do what I love and what I feel connected to. Besides, rules were made to be broken…. just don’t tell my children.

Seeing the word Vignette makes me think of Beignets ( the pastry) …… don’t know why.

Now that it’s in the open, I wanted to share my Entry Way and the Fall Vignette or grouping or display ( depends on what you say), that I have created to welcome our guests at Top This Top That.

Since Vignettes are nothing more then pretty displays using objects that you love or that have meaning, I basically pulled most of what is on the console table from other rooms and sources in my home…… Something most of you are doing anyways. Right?

And you probably don’t need me to tell you that what you design on your table, shelf or any knook or cranny in your home, should add detail to your decor and be reflective of your personality…. because that’s how you decorate already. Right?

Or that what you decide to display, be a compliment to your room or environment….. you know that too. Right?

Well if you knew all that, you probably already know that height, texture and layering are good principles to keep in mind when you are assembling your Vignette, display or grouping. Right?

So tell me, Is there anything that you don’t know?  I didn’t think so.

Well, I am joining these other bloggers who are fabulous vignette creators. Perhaps they can teach you a thing or two about Creating Vignettes…….. since I couldn’t. 

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  1. Your vignette is lovely and you are talented. Some people, like you, have a natural ability and an eye that can see. Now there are people, like me, who need a nudge and some inspiration to see how things should be put together. Thank you for doing that! Also, the printing on the blackboard is beautiful – did you print it and how in heavens name did you do it? Mine would be more a scribble 🙂

  2. I'm always looking for new ways to display my stuff so I'm happy to see yours and take any tips! How lovely and what a great group of bloggers participating in this! Lots of eye candy for sure!

  3. Smiling as I read your post! One, because I love the simple fall elements you've pulled together and two, because I'm not a giant fan of the word vignette… but I do love the atmosphere they create in the home 🙂
    Wonderful display! xo

  4. Laura,
    You have a beautiful entryway with so many things that say fall. All of your natural items, feathers, wheat, rattan pumpkins, rattan basket, say the season is fall. I love how you pulled the whole display together with the touches of golden color. The cushion and the lampshade are just beautiful with subtle colors that echo the base of your white/natural pottery.

    I am honored to be on the fall tour with you and your natural gift of arranging your home.


  5. I have to admit I use the word vignette. Don't ask me why but I do for some reason. I really am loving the wall of mirrors and that chalkboard framed!!


  6. I love what you did in your entry! You repeated many of the same colors and balanced them out. Check! You did the high and low level accessories. Check! It is a pleasing arrangement to the eye. Check! You pass! You are now crowned a professional "vignetter".

  7. Doggone it, since my computer and router/adapter were on vacation for over a week I missed the tour. I'll be scrambling to catch up. I loved your mirrors among many other great pretties in your vignettes/displays. You have a definite eye for placing things in pleasing arrangements. I am very envious of your talents. I've learned so much from all you young gals since I've been reading blogs, the amount of talent out there is incredible. At my age (73) you're all young gals. Happy days to all
    Sometimes I think I live in a very different world than most people I know. They don't read blogs, let alone spend much time on their computers. There must be other people in this area (west of and around Grand Junction, CO) that craft, there are 3 craft supply stores in G.J. that are kept quite busy. If any of you are out there close by, please contact me, I'm lonesome. (

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