I Love The Underdog and a New Coffee Station
I don’t know what it is, but I have always cheered for the underdog. The guy, gal, team or furniture, that has so much potential but
just can’t ………. make it

Until I saw this piece of course. Sitting there in the corner of the twins preschool with all the other 1970’s oak wood rejects.
Waiting to be discovered.
Waiting to be heard.
Wanting to get out of detention hall.
I had a vision for this soon to be coffee station, for the teachers that help shape my kids lives and……drink coffee.
Wanting so bad to be noticed and to fit in, I began to think of ways to help my little underdog out using a sign from the preschool as my inspiration.
After a good cleaning and sanding , I applied some primer to the base.
That alone got it out of detention.
That alone got it out of detention.
The rest of the plan was simple. Paint the base with two coats in blue and stain the top with a few coats of stain in ebony .
Now, not only is my underdog turning heads, it’s been invited to this years prom and was voted most likely to succeed by all the other left over 1970’s oak furniture and…..
from the teachers drinking their morning coffee.
Grateful for~
The gals over at First Baptist Preschool for the love and learning that they share with my children.
French County Cottage
Crafty Scrappy Happy
Tatertots and Jello
Between Naps On The Porch
Savvy Southern Style
The gals over at First Baptist Preschool for the love and learning that they share with my children.
French County Cottage
Crafty Scrappy Happy
Tatertots and Jello
Between Naps On The Porch
Savvy Southern Style
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So great for a preschool, Laura! What a wonderful thing to do for the teachers!
Definitely not the underdog anymore! I'm sure the teachers love it…and you for doing it! I'm still terrified to do a furniture piece..what is wrong with me???!!!
Cute and nice of you to give it new life.
And, I'm sure those gals are so thankful for you to in giving them such a fun, new coffee station! I love it … perfect color choice, too (underdog be gone)!
So cute, Laura. I love your re-do and the verse that you added. I think that now instead of being an underdog it is teacher's pet!
Super super cute Laura!! What a sweet thing to do…I know they're going to love it!!
love the base color, but the top looks stunning now!
WOW! What a beautiful restoration.
Love how this turned out, Laura! Such pretty colors and inspiring verse. (You have such a talent for spying the diamond in the rough!)
What a cheeful looking table you created! That looks so much better than the "before". The teahers will love it, I'm sure. The sign is a perfect addition too.
What a lovely thought! Parents like you make our jobs extra precious, Laura…
xo Heidi
So cute. What a lovely idea!
This was so nice of you and you did a smash up job! You've made those wonderful teachers very happy! And such a cute post! 🙂
Hooray for you, Laura. I bet the teachers love it.
Excellent appreciative idea to do that for the teachers. You certainly get an A+.
I'm not sure what the last thing I did to help an underdog was, but seems like I always have my ring containing my super energy pill open.
Oh that table need to go to the head of the class. And full marks to you, my friend!
🙂 Linda
I love the colour and the sign. Returning follower via Bloglovin Blog hop.
Handmade at Warratahstree
Great makeover. Love the simple lines and how well it works just like you thought it would. I have an "underdog" that I am posting later this week-one whose life I enriched! xo Diana
that shade of blue is perfection! 🙂 it came out great!
Love it Laura….it's darling! Love the color!
Beautiful and should definitely be the teacher's pet! ~~Angela
I do too Laura, I am all about cheering for the underdog:). I love what you did! Have a great weekend!
I give your project Straight A's!!…how so very nice of you to do that for the teachers…the table went from "Under Dog" to "Wonder Dog"…you are a real super hero for the underdogs!
Hi Laura, I'm stopping by from the Bloglovin party. Your underdog table is COOL!! I'd hang out with her anytime. It looks amazing, great colors, love it!! ~ Amy @ StowandTellU
well this underdog is TOP DOG now!!!! i LOVE it…the color is truly amazing and has fabulous style just like it's creator! i always bet on the underdog…and this one is a GRAND WINNER!!! applause and appaws for you and this cool 1970's table…free of detention AT LAST!!!!! hugs…
SO cute, Laura! You are so creative.
This is so pretty! I love the pops of color and the sign! I'm visiting from Tater Tots and Jello 🙂
-Bonnie @ Revolutionaries
It looks wonderful, Laura! How nice of you to give it new life and a new home, and you even dressed it in my new color-crush!
Love this – and I say that to my girls all the time! Pinning!
That's so cute and oh so much appreciated, I'm sure!
As a retired teacher, I saw plenty of these desks back in the 70s, but I've never seen one as pretty as yours! I'm sure those teachers adore you and their new coffee station!