So Babe….tell me how you really feel
I am taking a departure from the usual decorating, design, kids and donkey stories to bring you a rather enlightening and fun post today……fun interview with my husband on blogging and decorating.
This idea started with a few pals who wanted to know how their husbands really felt about projects, decorating etc and thought it would be fun to get some others involved. So when you are done reading the fun interview with my husband about blogging and decorating…..and how he really feels about my projects, you will want to visit some other interviews. The links will be at the end of the post.
The last time I so called ‘interviewed’ my hubby, was right before we walked down the aisle. You know, those last minute questions to make sure he was the one. Well …. he passed and 16 years later, he’s still the one, so lets start this fun interview with my husband about blogging and decorating.
Blogging takes a lot of time. Do you ever pass by Laura while she is on the computer and secretly feel neglected? Never Before, during, and after photos are an important part of blogging, do you remember to do that while working on projects for Laura? Funny, there have been a number of times that I have just started a project for her like cutting a piece of wood and she will run out telling me to stop until she gets her camera. Now, I just kinda expect it to happen.How often do you read Laura’s blog and do you have a favorite post? I usually read when something new goes up. I particularly like the posts with the kids or animals in it. Can’t pick a favorite.
Before changing a piece of furniture, hanging new curtains, or planning a whole room redo, does Laura consult you or do you come home and it’s done? Um, not really. But I guess it depends on what it is. One time I came home and the wood mantel was painted white. Should have known something was up when she was standing next to it asking “notice anything different”. I think she kinda knew how I would react if she asked me about painting it, so she decided just to do it. It actually came out nice. I don’t really question her decorating decisions. She’s in charge.
I love hearing her stories. I feel like I know her blogging pals as well as she does. What’s weird is not knowing people by their first name and rather by their blogging names.Where do you think Laura gets most of her creative inspiration; tv, magazines, online, you, or was she just born that way? Definitely in her DNA
Do you know what Pantone’s color of the year is and how do you feel about so called “girly” colors for your walls? Okay what’s pantone and is there really a color of the year? What is it?
If you could change one room or area of your home with no decorating advice from Laura, what area would you choose and why? I think the garage and painting the floor the way I want to do it.
Have you ever helped Laura style photos for her blog or offer input on how you think a vignette should look? What in the world is a vignette?There is a saying “If walls could talk…”, what would yours say about the decorating in your bedroom? What happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom.
Good answer honey! I hope you enjoyed that fun interview with my husband about blogging and decorating .

Wasn’t this fun! Be sure to visit these other brave bloggers for more interviews.
And for more peeks into these spaces visit my Home Tour here.
What a fun thing to read! Can't wait to meet him in person some day!
xo Heidi
So fun! Love that he picked the garage as his space to decorate! LOL! And the what is a vignette and is there really a color of the year made me laugh too! 🙂 Linda
Haha, yes you can be right all the time 😉 And may I say that ceiling is just amazing!
this was SOOOO fun to read! wow! i love that he cringes when you paint over wood, but paintbrush is your can't live without tool! ha! and none of them know pantone. 🙂
That was perfect, I loved reading his responses. What is a vignette? hilarious. When I got to the question about the bedroom, and his response, I said Good answer, then I saw you felt the same way. Your right he is a keeper.
Thanks for sharing this, it made me smile.
I love this! I think a lot of my hubby's answers would be the same.
hehehehehe! Yes you can be right all the time! This was fun Laura!
Can I hate you for being so neat and tidy? Sounds like you found the perfect husband, he just needs to get over that painting real wood thing 😉 love all the answers and I can't wait to meet him!
Can't be right all the time? You obviously have not been married long enough!
I love how after a bit… they resign themselves to the fact that we are going to pretty much paint, make, do whatever we like and that we are happy, so they are okay with it :))) And that so far, you are the only one who would spend the money on the kids. hahaha – So fun, really enjoyed the read!!
Great interview. Second husband today that I read that wants the garage to himself! lol Fun fun fun post! xo Diana
Too funny how so many of their answers are the same! xoxo
Love this, Laura! Your husband is a gem!! Handy and thoughtful and he gives you a lot of creative space. And he READS your blog!! He needs to have a serious talk with my hubby!
Loved seeing pics of your home that I hadn't seen before. And your new sidebar picture is beautiful! 🙂
Jane x
This is great! I especially loved the answer to the first question – the mental picture of you guys sitting holding hands and admiring the ceiling is just perfect 🙂
What great idea and wonderful interview. So love seeing those beams in the family room
Aww, you two are too cute. He's clearly still the one. "we sit holding hands looking at the new planked ceiling" I love that!! And it doesn't surprise me at all that you are neat and tidy!!
your husband sounds like a real keeper! His answers are super, what a fun post! My husband has to be in the mood to do anything and I have to wait for the right timing. He's a CPA, need I say more?
I loved this interview!!!….I can only imagine what my hubby would say!…He for the very first time made a comment on my blog the other day….I was knocked off my chair!!!….I think my hubby would have said the same thing about Pantone…what's that?…A shampoo?
I love reading your blog! I have had the same Broyhill bedroom set!!! The beds (one Q then the K upgrade) are gone and I gave one dresser to a friend. I still have the big dresser and a mirror that I want to do something fun with when I have time. Most of my home projects either never get all done or take a loooong time to finish!
Very fun. Your husband seems like a really sweet guy who loves you immeasurably! 🙂 This post just made me smile. Thanks, Laura.
Carol from WA (
I left a witty comment this morning and it disappeared right in front of me and my computer had a spinny wheel the rest of the day. I only remember part of it and it had to do with more donkey.
Ugh I am trying to convince my husband right now to paint out kitchen cabinets. I will have to show him your kitchen as inspiration!!
These have all been such fun posts to read!!